I am so excited about this cover! I love the wolf silhouette and the claw marks and the stars and the cool font. All the things! I can't wait for it to come out November 3rd! Preorder your copy here! … [Read more...]
Why You Should Add ART Into Your Life
"You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." --Maya Angelou In March the world got crazy. All of sudden my kids stopped going to school, my husband stopped going to work. My writing was vanquished by the demands of becoming a full-time … [Read more...]
Middle Grade Series to Love
Hello Dear Friends, I hope that y'all are healthy and happy. We landed in St. George. All is well! Except that the kids haven't had school since March 12th. That seems like a lifetime ago. If any of you can relate to the endless school-less days, I thought you might … [Read more...]
Handwriting or Writing by Hand
Writing while quarantining has been so hard for me. My mind is a jumble, and my days are busy with children at home. I am used to having a few hours of quiet focus on school days to get out a few thousands words without too much hair pulling. That is not my life right now. I've … [Read more...]
I Sold Another book!
I sold THE GRAYS (title will most likely change), to Boroughs Publishing Group. This novel is an adult low-fantasy with romance, secrets, and betrayal. I love this book, and I am so happy to see it get published. It's release date is December 3, 2020!Here’s a little teaser to … [Read more...]
Best Sugar Cookies Ever
It's my birthday month. And it's still quarantine. And so to celebrate, I'm going to share with you the best sugar cookie I've ever made--it also happens to be the best I've ever eaten, but I might be biased. Sometimes, if you want something done right, you have to do it … [Read more...]
Finding Joy in the Journey
I've been at home with my husband and four children for 13 days. Our house is less than 2000 sq feet. And I must admit. It was a rough transition. We all struggled with the change of pace, the uncertainty, the stress, the unknown, the closeness... But I'm writing this because … [Read more...]
5 Love Stories to Fall in Love With
It's February. And for some that means chocolates and hot dates. Maybe your reality is better than fiction, but for the rest of us (I still love you with all my heart, dear husband), epic love stories are unbeatable. There are a few that I just keep coming back to. Because … [Read more...]
I signed the contract!
I've been working on my book, my baby, DRAGON BLOOD, for four years now. And I'm so excited it's coming out into the world THIS FALL! It's a young adult fantasy about twin brothers ripped apart at birth and raised on opposite sides of the world--and the war. A big thanks to … [Read more...]
4 Tiny Goals
HAPPY NEW DECADE! 2020 A beautiful number for a beautiful new year. And I'm planning to be a TINY bit better this year. I've been reading lately on the power of SMALL changes. (Check out ATOMIC HABITS by James Clear). Little by little great things are built. The new year … [Read more...]